Quantum technologies
Quantum technologies promise to transform every industry, from the automotive sector to healthcare, potentially adding billions to the UK economy. Developments in this field will make our computers more powerful, increase synchronisation in communications systems and dramatically improve our ability to uncover oil and gas sources. They will also provide sensors for driverless cars that work in all conditions, improve medical diagnosis and make utilities maintenance more efficient.
Let us know your viewsHave your say
Working alongside government colleagues across Innovate UK, EPSRC and other stakeholders in the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, we are leading a new national activity to engage UK industry in emerging quantum technologies to accelerate the industrialisation and commercialisation of new products. A key outcome target for the national quantum programme has always been economic growth for the UK based on the increased success of UK industries.
This is your opportunity to have your say and feed into defining the industrial needs for a future programme which can address any current barriers to industrial growth based on quantum technologies.
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We would like to hear your views, knowledge, strategies, and priorities in your sector around quantum technologies.
Join the debate, help to create the future… It’s time to #TalkQuantum.
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